Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Greeting Earlings... 

Wow... i think this should be my thousand time of creating a blog... hahaha! 

it's like a never ending story... where a create a cute, nice and cuddly blog... but after sometimes i toss it aside...
Dang to may darkest side... haha...

Well... i'm not that bad... i have this, u know, things about being in-consistence.... after awhile u started to forget... 

But now... i think i should be serious... yea... bout that... sounds convincing... =))

Maybe its best for me to take the test of becoming a blogger... whether or not i could produce good stuff... yeah... we'll see... (Rolling eyes)

Btw this blog shall be conduct with two different language... it could be either one, English or Bahasa melayu... so... if i wrote something in Bahasa melayu, n so u think u need to know what that seems to mean... let me know.. n vice versa, i'm more than welcome to appoint myself as ur dictionary.. *wink yahh! 

Ganbatee!! XOXO